India: New 8.811GW photovoltaic installed capacity from January to September


From January to September, India added 8,811 megawatts of solar installed capacity and 1,246 megawatts of wind power installed capacity, an increase of 280% and 101% year-on-year respectively. In other words, in the first three quarters of 2021, India’s cumulative new Solar Power Storage Systems and wind power installed capacity exceeded 10 GW.

The main reason for the significant increase was the delay in related projects caused by the epidemic last year.

In terms of cumulative installed capacity, according to data released by the Ministry of New Energy and Renewable Energy (MNRE), as of September 2021, India’s installed capacity of renewable energy reached 101.53 GW.

The share of solar energy in the entire renewable energy sector is about 46%, making it the main contributor, followed by wind energy (39%), bioenergy (10%) and small hydropower (5%).

The states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra increased a lot of solar capacity during this period, accounting for 68.53% of all solar installations.

In the field of wind energy, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka account for approximately 98.66% of India’s total wind power installed capacity

In the field of rooftop solar energy, approximately 2,068 MW of new capacity will be added from January to September 2021, which is 134% higher than the 883 MW of newly added capacity in the same period last year.

Among them, Gujarat State had the largest increase, adding 531 megawatts, accounting for nearly 26% of the total roof installations during the period.

In addition to Gujarat, Maharashtra (501 MW), Haryana (217 MW) and Uttarakhand (181 MW) are also states with larger rooftop solar installed capacity.



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