What are difference between gas proof lamp and ordinary LED lights?


It is well known that in places where flammable gases and dust are present, if an open flame or static electricity is encountered, it may cause an explosion. The most dangerous explosion occurred at night because there were so many lights needed at night. In order to prevent a huge danger from happening, the gas proof lamp was born.

Compared with ordinary LED lights, gas proof lamp have different aspects in terms of light source, lamp structure, electronic circuit design, heat dissipation, etc.

Light refers to light source and optical light distribution. Gas proof lamp require LED lamp bead performance to be stable, no color difference, no light decay, color drift and other problems in a long time; optical light distribution is reasonable, high brightness, anti-glare; These problems are closely related to the structural design and heat transfer design of the luminaire.

The machine refers to the structural parts of the industrial safety lights. The design of the industrial safety lights achieves the safety level and explosion-proof level of the industrial safety lights through the design of the structural parts, and realizes various installation modes of the industrial safety lights through the structural parts; at the same time, the design of the structural parts and the electronic and heat transmission design is closely related;

Electricity refers to the electronic circuit design of the gas proof lamp and the external grid compatible design. Flame proof lighting are mainly used in the field of industrial lighting. The requirements for electricity are very special. There are special requirements for the voltage and current ranges of the input and output of the lamps, and the applicability of the voltage fluctuation range of the industrial power grid is very high. Self-clearing electrostatic function; whether the electrical performance of the flame proof lighting is stable and meets the requirements, and is closely related to its own structural design, optical design and heat transfer design;

Heat is mainly about heat transfer and heat dissipation. There are three ways of heat transfer: heat conduction, heat convection, and heat radiation. The temperature requirements of the flame proof lighting on the surface are very high, and must not exceed the relevant industry standards. Otherwise, it will affect the lighting safety problems in special fields, so it is essential for the control of heat. On the one hand, the heat conduction of LED light sources and electronic components is required. On the other hand, it is necessary to strictly control the temperature of the surface of the luminaire. At this time, how to integrate optical design, electronic design, and structural design to achieve the best state is very technical.



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